Soft Eyes in the Snow


A boy man’s face

staring into the cold

soft eyes that see hard

his soul there but lost in the snow

he looks, he sees he reacts

shaken free

by screams of agony

and puts his life last to save another


There are a million hells on this earth

those that have been, happening still or yet to come

an ongoing history repeating itself in blood

staining snow, sand, tar, steel and hearts

all there for another boy man’s eyes to see


He returns home

his soft eyes hardened, traumatised

staring into what’s left of his life

he grows into the old man who never forgets

and when alone

his soft boy man eyes


One thought on “Soft Eyes in the Snow

  1. ouch…heart tearing poem…the horrors that harden our boys into men….there are a million hells on this earth to look into that would cause it but i was thinking of war…his tears at the end, hit me….

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