Aye It Be The Whales







Waves grew into question marks

A rising hook over the hull spitting dollops on the deck

Rocking down into the turquoise blue

I gripped the railing trying to balance

In the up and down, rise and fall, rocking and rolling

Over and almost but not quite under… Phew!


He emerged, sporting his sailor cap, walking the deck like an old sea salt (no teetering off balance here, oh no)… like the children running back and forth, laughing his sea legs were strong


Elegantly he withdrew chuck bags strapped to his side,

Flicking them to those foundering

His aim precise

The victims fell


“Aye it be the south westerly, churnin us up,” he said matter of fact

Churnin us up all right, only by my reckoning it wasne no south westerly,

oh no siree

“It be the whales my fine Capin,” I shouted

as yet another wave thrashed the side of the boat

“oh don’t be daft, lass… what makes yer say that?”

“It be that big bloody humpback breaching starboard… Sir”

“All right me matey’s, starboard, raise aim and snap… he’ll rise again.”


So he did, rising out of the water a leviathan of beauty with a half twist in the air and landing so delicately into the rising waves.

Ooooh’s and ahhh’s of wonder from those on deck, snapping photos, while trying to stay balanced on the rocking vessel.


Meanwhile somewhere near the entrance of the bay more whales gather…

“So you up for some human tipping?”

“Oh yeah,” answered a gleeful whale chorus

“Well boys get those fins and tails ready, let’s give em a rock law they’ll never forget.”

Aye that be the way of whales…yer cannee be sure of just who is watchin who…


Recently my family and I went to Hervey Bay for some whale watching. Usually the water is as smooth as glass but on this trip it was a little rocky. There were some sea sick casualties but the whales as always were magnificent.   If you would like learn a little more about how to speak whale my daughter has written a piece for Queensland Blog.

For dversepoets blending poetry and prose

13 thoughts on “Aye It Be The Whales

  1. haha…human tipping…like cow tipping…oy i hope not to be on the water when that starts to happen…would love to see them up close though…i hear they are magnificent…love the waves rising in question marks….

  2. Great post Mum, definitely sums up the experience. If only a certain someone didn’t get seasick and cranky when the whales were doing the best moves… But we won’t hold it against that certain someone! Thanks for the link love as well to How to Speak Whale. 🙂

  3. Haha, I loved the adoption of sailspeak and whalespeak to bring all the characters to life. It was playful and entertaining with seamless integration of dialogue too. I have been whale watching in Alaska, Hawaii, Mexico, and the Caribbean so it brought some happy memories back. Amusing and well crafted!

  4. I would love to see this. They have those whale watching boat trips here but, the slightest waves and I would be the one needing the barf bags. Loved it 🙂 And the sailor/pirate speak too

  5. I enjoyed this. I went whale watching in Hawaii once and another time on the east coast of the US. wonderful experience. Your post brought it all back!

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